Enhancing functionality of your application
If your organization develops and uses its own web-applications you might wish to enhance their functionality by adding the ability to work with graphics files. This may include changing image format and size, applying various effects, etc.
These operations will be of use when working with images you receive via email, fax, or scanned document copies.
You may face many troubles if you choose to create image processing modules independently, as it will surely take much time and funds.
Or, you can solve this problem by installing a server copy of Image Converter Command Line on your server. Adding new modules to the program is very quick and easy. You won't have to spend time and money on including complicated modules into your own software. The only thing you have to do to add the needed function is perform the corresponding operation in Image Converter Plus using command line.
ICPCL.exe -convertto tiff -source "C:\My Documents\*.*" -dest "C:\TIFF Files" -save_opt >convert_subfolders:yes restore_subfolders:yes -oper Resize size:200 100 keep_prop:no